In the July 8th Council meeting after much discussion about vehicles running the stops signs at the intersection of Pike and Main, including an SUV recently running the stop sign totaling two parked cars while flipping on its side in front of Simpson’s Automotive. Also heavy truck traffic on Pike Street, which is posted “no trucks”, Resolution 9-24 was passed to install two speed bumps with required signage on the eastern section of Pike Street. That is the section between State Route 571 and the Main Street intersection, NOT the western section that is part of State Route 721.
Resolution 9-24 can be found in the July 8, 2024 council meeting minutes on the Village website.
There has been the required three months of public readings and on October 14, 2024, the east side of Pike Street will be closed to traffic (except emergency traffic) while the work is being completed.
The Village of Laura is accepting 2024-25 Snowplow bids. Below are the guidelines and map of the streets that get plowed/salted. If you are interested please send a bid to before October 14, 2014.
The Village Council is updating the public records ordinance, we need a community representative to volunteer on the committee. If interested contact the Village office.
If you’re interested in being added to the Village of Laura’s One Call Now list, please notify the Village office. This service will allow you to receive a phone call with important information directly related to village matters. We request only one phone number per address.
If you’re interested any of the above please email the Village office at or call 937-947-1050.
This website was officially launched 1/1/2021 and is managed by the current council members of Laura.
The purpose of the website is to provide the public with information specific to the village of Laura, Ohio. The site is monitored regularly and content will be updated by authorized officials.